Christine Evans, LCSW
Clinically Licensed Therapist
in Illinois, Arkansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Maryland, South Carolina
Telethealth Registered in Florida
Coaching is not limited by location
Does your life make sense now that you've been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD? Suddenly, you know why you are the way you are. All those negative comments from childhood don't mean what you think they did. You can reshape yourself, your relationships, and your life now.
A new diagnosis, or suspicion of, can turn a life upside down. At least, that's how you feel. But, let's turn it around with positivity. You have something to work with now. Learn to be your best self WITH ADHD/ADD, use those characteristics to your advantage. Improve your relationships, improve productivity, and build confidence.
Whether you're in school, working, building and managing relationships, let's embrace what makes you YOU and build a strong, joyful self!
Christine Evans, LCSW
CEO and Therapist of
Empower Counseling and Coaching PLLC